Saturday, August 31, 2019


I read somewhere that August feels like one long Sunday for teachers.  I feel it!  The nerves and anxiety were really setting in the first two weeks of August, but once contract time started I've been too busy to be nervous!

Here are some non-school related things that I was able to enjoy this month.

My father in law's goat had babies!  You know how I love those goat babies!

I played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time.  Seiji has written his own version which is hilarious and totally enjoyable!  These are the little characters I picked for my first round.  The guy on the left is named Bergamot.

Bailey and I went on a little hike to Stewart Falls.  Stewart Falls is one of my favorites, and a must every year!

Bailey is so freaking cute.  When we were dating he would always pick me wildflowers on our hikes.  He did that again on our hike up to the Falls!

Right before school started we decided to have some end of summer fun at Highland Glen Park with Seiji, Kylie, and Warden.  We had so much swimming in the water!

It was an excellent end to summer, which I mourn the loss of.  But I don't doubt that the next few months will be exciting!

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