Monday, May 11, 2020

Welcome Home, Pepper!

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted a dog.  I became the luckiest girl in the world when we brought home Shakee.  I was a second grader and completely smitten!  Shakee was the sweetest most loving dog there ever was, and losing him a few years ago was absolutely heart-wrenching.

Well ever since Bailey was a little boy, he wanted a dog.  He had a real pony that would play with him in the sand box, and a small pig that would run around the house and snuggle with him.  Those both definitely sound fake but I have pictures to prove both!

Nevertheless, Bailey's yearning for a small furry friend was never satisfied, and many times throughout our years of marriage he has brought up the prospect of adopting a dog.  I got by by agreeing to a hamster (who yes, I ended up loving), and not saying no to $250 worth of fish and aquarium supplies (I also didn't really say yes to that but that is a long story).  But these were tactics I learned from my parents who tried to convince me that a fly in a jar is a real pet, just like my balloon cat.  Only buys one time.

Of course, we never had quite the right living situation for a dog up until this year, but I also enjoyed my freedom to hop out of the country whenever I wanted, you know?  But the biggest thing for me was, how can I do that to my Shakee?  And how can I let another sweet pup into my life just knowing the pain I will feel in 15 or so years??  It all sounds silly but I believe these are real concerns of many pet owners, and I wasn't just about to jump into the commitment without really feeling ready.

I've turned this into quite the saga but my friends, it was!  Because all of a sudden, my brother in law Wace's dog was about to have puppies.  Dappled dachshunds, no less!  The very dogs of Bailey's dreams!

NOT the dog of my dreams, I tell you.  My dream dog was fluffier, and, well, Shakee.  I'm a fan of all dogs of course, but while sausage dogs fit the important criteria of "small", I didn't necessarily find them the cutest.  I also knew that they were difficult to potty train and also shed.  Heck no!

But then I saw the puppies.  Even worse, I saw Bailey with the puppies and I knew it was all over.

I knew he was all in.  He asked me over and over, but I stood strong!  But then I started thinking.  What better time to adopt a puppy than in a pandemic?  I mean, we are both working from home and could spend time with him and potty train him.  I knew we were bound to get a dog eventually, so maybe why not now?

I didn't let Bailey know this of course!  Though he kept asking, I figured I should take advantage of the fact that his birthday was coming up and surprise him!

Now, to be clear, I do not believe that anyone should spontaneously gift any living creature!  I know this is an issue because people don't always know the commitment that they are getting into.  But Bailey and I had talked about it (though hypothetically) and I certainly knew exactly what we were getting into.  So the surprise was not the dog, necessarily, but my agreement to making this leap.

So, a few days before Bailey's birthday (to maximize use of the element of surprise) Bailey Jo and Wace helped me out and doorbell ditched this magnificent box on the porch!

Bailey saw Bailey Jo out the window when they rang the bell so I thought he'd figure it out immediately, but Bailey could not have been more surprised to open the box and see tiny "Streak"!

Streak is what Bailey Jo and Wace lovingly referred to this pup as once he was born.  He had a little white streak on his head, and they found him to be the sweetest and cuddliest.  I alone was faced with the decision on what pup to choose and I knew he was the one!

So Bailey Jo and Wace stayed for lunch while Bailey at his food one handed and held his new little guy in the other hand.  Of course, the pup was too tiny to stay away from his mom for too long at that point, so we took him on a tour of his new house and sent him back on his way.

The past few weeks we have been able to visit our boy all we want!

Today our pup was finally ready to come home!  We made sure that he had plenty of time with his mom before taking him away, but I was comforted by the fact that he will be able to see her regularly throughout his lifetime.

We are already obsessed with our tiny little guy who Bailey named "Pepper".  He's not completely sure about our house and being away from his mom yet, but I'm sure he will own this place in no time.  I am so excited for this new chapter in our lives and for the adventures our little family of three will have!

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