Saturday, February 29, 2020

January & February

As you know, a nice portion of January was spent in Italy.  A great idea, I would say!  Because January and February are the worst months!

I say that every year, but of course, I always end up having lots of fun memories happen those months anyway.  Here are some fun things we've been up to!

My coworkers/fellow CTE teachers and I attended a conference, and each of us were separately and randomly drawn to win $100.  Super crazy and fun!  Pro tip: sit by us.  I love working with these ladies!

My family did a small Chinese New Year celebration by making homemade dumplings.  There's nothing better!  Except for a cute toddler trying to eat said dumplings with chopsticks.  He was pretty good at it!

Bailey and I have started to look at houses.  We like to show Kylie the ones we are interested in because she's got good taste.  We've got our eyes on this particular house, and I think Warden approves!

Book Group Retreat!  Always a great time!  This month we discussed Sweet Bean Paste, ate a homemade Japanese meal to fit with the theme, and did some serious crafting.

We even met up with my niece Chelsie for a quick hike!

My friend Kellie (who teaches art at the other Polaris) and I were able to attend the UAEA (Utah Art Educator's Association) conference in Southern Utah.  It was so much fun!  We signed up for different professional development classes, and I signed up for a Shibori dyeing class.  I've always used Rit dye for Shibori, but in this class I learned how to do stitch resist techniques and use actual indigo.  Mine is the scarf in the middle.  So much fun!

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