Thursday, February 2, 2017

February = Valentine's Day

People are so rude to Valentine's Day!  So what if you think it's just a commercial holiday - that doesn't mean you have to go buy a million flowers and chocolates!  I don't know.  I just think it is ridiculous that people get so worked up about the holiday.  Personally, I quite like Valentine's day because
1. Winter sucks and it needs something cute and
2. Why shouldn't we celebrate love?  Love is awesome!

Bailey and I are actually flying off to China on Valentine's day itself, but that didn't stop us from decorating!  I made us some heart garlands, because honestly, I'm kind of drawn to pink.

We added some cozy lights that I picked up from Target.  I actually bought them to take to China, because they're battery powered!  Isn't that cool?

We've even gotten some surprises for each other.  Well, not really surprises, but we did buy for each other things we've been wanting and haven't had an excuse to by yet (monk strap dress shoes for Bailey and a diffuser for me!)  This exotic toothpaste was definitely a surprise though.  Haha!  I have a fun husband.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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