Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vianden, Luxembourg

Today was a very relaxing day in Vianden, Luxembourg!

We got up this morning and took a train and bus to Vianden. The sun was shining so off came our gloves and hats! My coats even came off for a picture at the Ettelbruck bus station.

We got to Vianden and headed straight up the hill to the castle. It got bigger and bigger the closer we got - we were so excited!

Pro tip: buy the Luxembourg card if you ever visit the country. All of our transportation is free while we are here, as well as most of our admissions. We didn’t pay a thing to get into the castle!

Dang, they have got this visitor’s center thing figured out. We went through the museum which was super informative and creative. Not to mention, we had the whole place to ourselves! We spent quite a while there before grabbing lunch at the museum cafe.

Lunch was pizza, personal size and probably microwaved. Seriously the best meal we’ve had since leaving Amsterdam. This part of the world really struggles in the realm of food, so we couldn’t have been happier with our once-frozen pizzas! With happy stomachs and high spirits (the sun makes me feel so HAPPY!) we set off to explore the castle itself.

With the help of our map we made our way through. Man, castles are so dark and cold!

It was fun to imagine what life would have been like to live there, and how many fires would need to be going in the winter.  We found ourselves to be some of the very few visitors in the castle, which was an awesome experience.  I felt like we owned the place!

Bailey especially liked all of the armor and weapons that were on display.

I was a fan of the architecture!

My favorite were probably the courtyards where we could hang out in the sun and get a view of the small city below. If that castle were my house I would spend all day out there!

We made it through the whole castle with time to spare, so we took our time walking back down to the bus stop. There were some pretty cool views along the way!

Then it was back to Luxembourg City for us!

That was all I had planned for the day, so we spent quite a few hours just wandering around. We ate at a bakery, went grocery shopping for backpack snacks (backpack snacks are very important to keep me from being grumpy) and went to an Italian restaurant. The only difficulty we have had with Luxembourg is that fewer people speak English here. Our waiter only spoke Italian so the language barrier was a real problem. Bailey did well enough (because of his background in Spanish speaking) to say no to the wine, but this is the "salad" we ended up with. Definitely not what I had in mind!

The pasta was good but not good enough to go back. Once again I find myself just craving Mexican food all the days, but for now we are in a country that basically just has Italian food (one of my least favorite kinds of food)! So I will try to embrace it!

Tonight we will rest up for another day in Luxembourg. So far we are very glad that we came down for a visit! It is super safe and clean here, and everyone seems really friendly. Especially our Airbnb host who even left us food! Plus the sun is out, so times are good.

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