Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fishing With Grandpa Bud

Sometimes I really just have to get away for the weekend.  Luckily, I married a man with a grandpa who lives in Huntington, a small little town in Emery County.  We visited Huntington last year for a day trip, and I decided it was the cutest and most peaceful little town ever!  So of course this year we had to plan a whole weekend to spend there.

It was a bit of a drive, so we set off right after work and dinner.  We checked our garden before we left and grabbed whatever tomatoes were red to eat as our road trip snacks!

Of course we stopped at a gas station and bought some candy to snack on as well.

We arrived around 10:30pm and were greeted with a complete dinner!  We were still full from the dinner we ate at home, but we will never say no to second dinner.  Grandparents are so cute!  We sat down to eat with Bailey's cousins Deryka and Harley, as well as Grandpa Bud and his adorable wife Lana.  They then took us out to their camping trailer where we would stay, which I thought was super fun.  All of a sudden, my phone started to buzz to remind me to take my medication... which I had left at home!  Bailey and I panicked for a little bit but decided I would survive until morning... when we drove all the way back home to get my medication.

We got up early enough that we were able to make it home and back to Huntington before Deryka was even awake!  I was super frustrated at first that I forgot my medication, but by the end of our second drive to Huntington we were laughing and enjoying the time we got to spend just hanging out with each other.  We even stopped by a sports shop to buy some hats.  You know, I've never been able to rock a hat but I think I'm pretty close with this fishing hat.

We got back to Huntington in time to eat breakfast with everyone.  Grandpa Bud fried some eggs in bacon grease, which was pretty delicious!  We sat outside on the porch for a little while, because that's what you do in small towns, then headed off to the lakes for some serious fishing.

Huntington is surrounded by beautiful lakes and forests!  I loved looking out the window as we drove through the canyon.  I also got a good nap in, which was nice after having woken up so early!

We didn't get much luck at the first lake we went to.  Harley caught a bunch of minnows, Lana felt a bite, but the only fish we caught was this tiny little guy.

Grandpa proposed that we try a different lake and we were all for it!  We jumped back in the car, went to a different lake, and not long after we cast our lines into the water I got this nice guy.

We were truly in the middle of a fish hotspot, I'm sure they were having some sort of party because we just felt bite after bite!  This was the first fish I've ever caught by myself, because nobody had ever told me until then how to set the hook in when you feel bites.  Once I learned that little trick, I caught several!  We all did!

We got back to Grandpa Bud's house around 11:30 that night, and the boys got to work filleting the fish and cooking it up for a late dinner.  It was delicious!  After showering the fish smell off of us, we were off to bed.

I guess I only got one picture of the next day, but day two of fishing did not yield much success.  We didn't stay at the first lake very long because we weren't getting any bites or anything.  So we headed off to another lake where we caught a few little fish guys, but nothing worth keeping.  It was so beautiful there though!  There were so many blue dragonflies flying around, I've never seen so many in my life!  It was pretty magical until a snake showed up.

After that lake we said goodbye to Lana, Bud, and Deryka, and Bailey, Harley, and I headed back home to our Utah county!  Though it was just a weekend away, it was very therapeutic for me.  You have to take it slow while you are in a small town like Huntington, and you especially have to take it slow when you're fishing!  I move too quick for my own good when it comes to my daily life, so a visit with Grandpa Bud was just what I needed.

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