Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

I used to love making costumes and dressing up for Halloween!  However, the past few years I have been so caught up with school and midterms that making time to create costumes just wasn't realistic.  This year, though, I was determined to find time to make Bailey and I some coordinating costumes!

It was quite the struggle deciding what we'd be.  I wanted to be a Disney princess, but Bailey didn't think that being a prince would be "cool" enough.  We almost went with Mulan and Mushu (because somehow Mushu made it onto the "cool" list), but got  little confused about how to make a Mushu costume.

Eventually we came up with the winning idea.  Chihiro and No Face from Spirited Away!  Spirited Away is a popular Japanese film.  It is very mystical, mysterious, and honestly pretty eerie.  I love it!  If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.

I sewed my costume from some polyester I already had, so my costume was really cheap.  Seiji helped Bailey make his mask out of foam, and then Bailey painted it and I attached the black sheet.  Super easy and cheap!  I think that our costumes turned out pretty alright!

It was a Ghibli sort of Halloween!  Seiji made a knight costume to wear to school, which was unrelated (but super cool!) but Kylie and Warden were Satsuki and Totoro!  The pictures I snapped of Warden are pretty much my favorite pictures ever.

Today my dad and I visited my mom's class.  Isn't her costume awesome?  Also, I can't believe that I convinced my dad to wear a Halloween costume haha!  We also visited Seiji in his classroom with Kylie and Totoro.  When everyone got off work, we had a chili eating and Ichabod watching party complete with peach pie, sherbet in Sprite, and pumpkin cookies.  We had so much fun spending the evening together.  I don't think I've ever had a better Halloween!

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